- Look at the following graphic representation of the dialogue on page 66 (the dialogue that we read in the language lab and some students took pictures of).
- Read the dialogue several times, and then try to reproduce it only by looking at the representation.
- KEY:
A: (hand)
Can you help me..? // (A?B?C?)
choose something?
B: (tick)
Sure // (eye)
look at // (one horizontal arrow)
this // (miniskirt)
miniskirt // (thought bubble)
I think it's... // (really nice)
really nice.
A: (two equal thought bubbles)
I agree // (positive ADJective)
It's beautiful. // (smiley)
I like // (one diagonal arrow)
that // (shirt)
shirt //
B: (three question marks)
Really? // (sad smiley)
I don't like it. // (thought bubble)
I think // (adjective "dull" underlined by an arrow)
it's too dull.
What about // (one horizontal arrow)
this // (cap + question mark)
cap? // (smiley + question mark)
Do you like it?
B: (X)
No, I don't. // (person speaking)
In my opinion it's // ("ugly")
Well, // (two different thought bubbles)
I disagree. // (smiley)
I like it.
B: (eye)
Look at // (one horizontal arrow)
this // (shirt with the word "red")
red shirt // (> and the adjective "pretty" indicate comparative)
much prettier than // (one diagonal arrow)
that // (shirt with the word "grey")
grey shirt.
A: (tick)
You're right. // (smiley with closed eyes)
Thanks for // (two arrows following the same itinerary)
coming with me //
and // (hand)
helping me // (smiley trying to find an answer)